Friday, August 27, 2010

Fim de semana de Exposição de Cães em Família! (Weekend Dog Shows with Family!! )

Os Springers na nossa família vêm de uma longa tradição, o Avô da Teresa trouxe os primeiros Springers para a Herdade à mais 55 anos.Agora, muitos anos depois dos primeiros Springers, é a nossa vez de continuar a tradição, tradição essa que já começámos a ensinar á próxima geração, basta verem as fotos das exposições no Estoril do passado fim de semana!!

The Springers at our family came from a long tradition along the last decades, Teresa’s grandfather brought the Springers to the family 55 years ago.
Now, many years since the first Springer at the farm, it’s being our time to take care of them from some years to this part, and since that time we love to take them to the shows, and so we are the ones that groom them, we teach them, we do the handling, sometimes we lose, and sometimes we won, but they are part of the family and we enjoy them every days!!
Now the breeding, showing and being part of the family of our 14 English Springer Spaniel it’s a passion that we are beginning to teach to the next generation, and so far….so good!!!

Take a look at the family pictures of this last weekend at Estoril Show – Portugal.

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